One of the greatest moments in
history (in my opinion), was when
G-d gave the ten commandments.
I wish to emphasize one commandment
in particular. This one has everything
to do with the headline and the reason
you chose to read this post.
Exodus 20:9-10: "Six days you
shall labor and do all your work,
but the seventh day is a sabbath
to the Lord your God. On it you
shall not do any work, neither you,
nor your son or daughter, nor your
male or female servant, nor your
animals, nor any foreigner residing
in your towns".
In this portion, we were given
the law for prosperity.
When I started my career in real
estate, I had no money, I was broke.
But what I did have was time, and
let me tell you, I worked it.
For many years, I hustled and
worked for many hours, day in,
day out, 7 days a week, 12 - 14
hours a day.
Sounds familiar?
Although I became a top producer
making a lot of money and closing
many transactions, I wasn't happy.
I was actually burned out.
Most people in our industry
(the 90%), fall into one of these
2 categories:
Not Working Enough.
Working Too Much.
Its like, when we get our license,
we lose control of our time.
Look around your office and you will
quickly realize, realtors have no balance!
So how do we find the space between?
How do we find the right measure?
The balance comes when we follow
the commandment:
6 days of labor, 1 day of rest!
That is how G-d created this world,
6 days of creation and 1 day of
total rest.
I believe, the bible is a code book,
giving those of us (who believe),
the keys to achieve prosperity in all
areas of life.
Unfortunately (and fortunately) it took
me a huge breakdown to realize what
I already knew.
Schedule your work week around 6
days of labor and 1 day of total rest.
Total rest meaning, you turn off your
cell phone, you turn off your computer,
you disconnect completely and you
focus on rejuvenating, collecting
your thoughts, reflecting, being
grateful, spending time with family,
friends, loved ones AND REST.
Later in the game, I upgraded this
formula for myself. Here is what I do:
5 Days of Hard Labor, working on the
20% activities that bring 80% of the
results (Prospecting, lead follow up,
presenting, negotiating deals).
I spend 1 whole day on mental work:
Planning, reflecting, organizing, reading,
scheduling, improving, and revisiting
And then of course:
1 Full Day Of Total REST. It's called Shabat.
In hebrew Shabat is derived from the
word to cease, to rest, to stop.
God Bless you :) and
Remember, happiness is balance!